World TB Day (WTBD) with active participation of USAID ETICA in the pilot project areas:
- USAID ETICA volunteers Khodjaeva Zufnuna and Butaeva Munavara participated and delivered a speech on regional television’s “Family Doctor” program. The volunteers talked about activities of the project in Khujand city as well as symptoms, transmission routes and measures to prevent TB. The program was broadcasted on March 16, 2021 to more than 1,000,000 potential viewers.
- In Khujand city, during the planting of seedlings, project volunteers organized an informational and educational campaign on TB prevention for more than 100 people.
- Director of J. Rasulov’s district TB center proposed to USAID ETICA’s partner, NRCS to provide syringes for conducting Mantoux (skin TB) tests among schoolchildren under the age of 14. With active engagement of USAID ETIC volunteers 86 students from the secondary educational school #28 in the Samiev village, and 480 students from the school #10 in the Tajikabad village (566 students in total) passed the Mantoux test.
- Project volunteers arranged and conducted an information and educational campaign among handymen potential migrants in Dushanbe city’s large market for handymen. The volunteers also distributed booklets and brochures with information about TB, talked about symptoms and transmission of TB, and organized a quiz about TB. The quiz winners received prizes. More than100 people participated in the event.
- Organized an information and education campaigns and quizzes for visitors of the polyclinic and the largest market in Rudaki district. During the campaigns, booklets and brochures were distributed, and the winners of quizzes received prizes. More than 250 people participated in the event.
- Organized information and educational activities with distribution of IEC materials in the territory of the largest secondary school #2 and on the territory of the central polyclinic of Vahdat district. Around 600 schoolchildren and more than 1000 adults, visitors to the polyclinic received booklets and brochures and took part in a quiz arranged by the project.
- USAID ETICA subcontractor, National Red Crescent Society, conducted an entertainment campaign for 22 children affected by TB and hospitalized in the pediatric TB dispensary of Dushanbe city. Children received hot meals and sweets as well as gifts. In addition, a children entertainment complex called “Madagascar” held an animated show for children affected by TB.